Photographing the underbelly of a helicopter hovering a few minutes directly above you is a pretty rare thing, and one doing so 90 degrees above your home/backyard is perhaps even more unicorn. So, in all my haste to capture this shot, and the air parade flying across my backyard line of sight, I set my shutter speed to 1/4000th of a second and the result is what you see here. I also managed to capture some 4K video of this, and at 1/120th of a second (the speed at which I shot the video) you can see the blades showing a more interesting circular blur motion. Yet, at the 1/4000th shutter speed used here, everything was frozen tack-sharp, and I liked that too. If you look closely, however, you can still see a white streak of air left behind by the propeller spins. I'm sure there's a more elegant word for that phenomena, but I don't yet know it. Altogether, a pretty awesome sight with some great living room acoustics as you run throughout the house to get your camera and figure out what is going on outside. :)
RCAF 100 Flypast | CH-146 Griffon
June 26, 2024

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